Sergej Jakovljev

Zagreb, Croatia 🇭🇷
years old

Github: @srolija
LinkedIn: srolija

Who am I?

First things first,
I got my name after Sergei Yesenin, whose poetry my mom loved.

I am a problem solver at the core. I enjoy learning how things work, from computers over the everyday utilities to human psychology. I love challenges. The more complicated and impossible it seems, the more exciting I find it.

That led me to a journey where over the years, I have tried nearly everything, from frontend and mobile development to backend and system design. Along the way, I built a unique skill set, allowing me to understand what happens on all the system levels and what is going on when things do not work.

True to the stereotypes, I love coffee. ☕️

While I am not working, I enjoy spending time with friends in nature, hiking Sljeme, gardening, snowboarding, or running. Having already finished a marathon, I am currently preparing for the triathlon to cross the Ironman 70.3 of my bucket list this year. If you are into that sort of stuff, you can follow me on Strava.

I also have a cat named Timmy. He is awesome, though he is not as cute as he was in this photo anymore. 😉